jun 1, 2024
a challenging month. trying lots of new things. another death in the family. spent lots of time with birth family and with friends. My garden is growing now and doing well. I'm trying making note pads by hand and making comics pages and painting a hex sign. I am glad it's summer. I need to make plans for grill party before my cousin leaves town! My sister and I both had some intense experiences this week and we caught up but also it's fun thst she likes Dunmeshi!!! sorry for typos. editing on phone. Fireflies are back! It's hot again!
Jan 25, 2024
I have been offered a new job instructing art classes part of the time. Wish me luck! I want to do well and learn about teaching.
It was my birthday a week ago. I feel good about it. I am sort of tired from interacting with people a lot, and because I caught a cold again (even with a mask...). I am worried now about taxes and health insurance status changing but whatever, I'll just do my best to sort it all out. The paperwork to begin this new job is like a tidal wave. It feels like there is a lot to do right now. I am troubled by the state of things.
Jan 8, 2024
Updated music.
I am healthy. My loved ones are overall well. I have had fatigue lately. I am hoping to dodge the covid wave with preventive measures despite working in a public place. I think I have been forgetting to eat three square meals a day. I wouldn't say I have been excessively busy though - if anything, I have gotten rest and enjoyed a bit more reading and watching movies. I think it would be good for me to refocus myself now.
My best friend came over and we spent several hours talking and drawing and getting excited about art together. It was restorative. She gives good advice too. I am going to do a weekly comics club with her. Also, this morning, she called me unexpectedly and asked me: "Did you come into my house last night and leave a book?" I was shocked and said No--and she just said OK and hung up. Hours later I asked what happened, and whether it had been her boyfriend of many years, with whom she lives, and she said "Yes, he had just been reading a book and left it on my desk and for some reason I thought it was more likely that you had come into our house and left it." I think it's very funny. True, it's just the kind of book I read, but he likes this kind of story too! We all read books (when we can)!
I'm also so happy to have received a zine from NDC in the mail today. It is so good. I sent them a card for the New Year but I feel sorry I didn't have much in the way of extra art to send this year. I am just happy to have gotten to mail one of my own cards out to loved ones. It is motivating to get mail from an online friend, plus, to have them include stunning stickers and drawings and kind words... :'). I am happy to display it and flaunt it but I also want to reciprocate! I want also to make more income from art this year so I had better sort my work plan.
Recently I went to see M in Baltimore. They showed me where they work now. We also got to see the Jim Henson exhibit at a history museum. I am really grateful that she shows me around sometimes because the opportunity to go to a busy city is a joy by itself, but even more, M is a very thoughtful person. I often learn interesting new things when I spend time with her. M's not just smart, but curious too. Anyway, I love seeing M no matter what and hearing good news from her life makes me happy. A while ago, I drove over there by myself to go to a dinner club on the anniversary of a long-running sapphic leather club. I admit I did not bring a lot of energy to mingle that night but I was really happy that I could hear the stories, be in great company and have a nice meal. I think lately I have spent more energy than usual on participating locally and strengthening certain relationships with my neighbors. I think this has been time well spent.
My town is funny as hell as usual. There has been one request for another corn fritter party and since it's my birthday soon I should probably go for it. If you read this, that's amazing, thanks & may you have good luck.
aug 6, 2023
i am enjoying taking part in making a fanzine for the first time! and I am working my job. lately i have enjoyed spending more time outside and i have also had some mild bouts of bad health, injuries or a cold and so i have done a lot of fun reading and watching tv shows i have wanted to see. i like Data from star trek and I liked How It Feels For a Girl by Paris Lees and i busted up my toes and elbows at the creek cleanup where i watched a huge spider swim like a human.
Today, my best friend moved to town (this sounds like Animal Crossing but it's true). I can't believe she lives so close by now! I had a great time catching up with her today. I'm glad things seem to be going well in her life.
june 10, 2023
i made an animated illustration. based off of a strange looking duo that i keep doodling, placed into the window nook in my apartment. you can see it HERE (tootnewt.com/nook). It could use more details and clutter I think. I put in a couple albums I like and plants that live with me. but I have to go to my job now! See you! Bye bye...
may 29, 2023
my grandmother died yesterday. I saw the first firefly of the year.
may 26, 2023
I am submitting an application to join a zine. Pretty longshot because I do not have a portfolio of illustrations, more animation and a whole lot of bizarre sketches. Right now, as I am combing my files, and in general lately as I have looked over my old art, I feel like I really love the things that I make and I want to tie things down into another finished project SOON! I spoke to a friend who makes comics and said, "let's have a comics challenge and exchange what we make at the end of June" and she said Yes! but then asked me for a theme... oh my... I really need to pick one.
Maybe it sounds too smug to say I love the things that I draw sometimes but I make a lot of bad art and then... then I make things like this... this astonishing fanart i made three years ago of Janeway (ultimate evolution) from star trek: voyager:
may 18, 2023
Test gif. Speaking of tests, it looks like I am covid free but still have a cold virus. Since I resting more I am sick, I watched movies: Running on Karma, American Psycho, Charlie's Angels, all for the first time. I have been feeling very shy lately but I have also been having a nice time with myself. Talking to friends and family, I have been hearing good news updates, so that makes me happy.
may 16, 2023
Hi hi... I am starting a little blog here. This blog theme is by cinni. I like Steel Ball Run so I am using the theme as is for now! Thanks Cinni! : )
I will have more in-person work this weekend and I have a fair bit of free time during this week. I had cramps and a cold so I have taken medicine and rested extra and I am recovering well as a result. I am still making progress on an animation of 2 made-up characters. The setting is based off of my apartment because I wanted to see these non-human beings in my home space and to practice interiors. Anyway, I will put that on this website and beyond pretty soon, after I add a little movement and tweak the light.
I added some details from music that I like into the illustration. That reminds me, I will add a music player to this blog with some of my favorite songs at the moment. OK, back to the drawing, bye bye for now! Blogging has been fun!
welcome to blog
This is the start of the blog! From here on, I will post updates to here when I feel like writing. What a good spot to put down my thoughts! It's nice of you to visit!